Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Spring!!

I love the sound of Spring. I have had the windows open for several weeks now and this morning I'm listening to the cheerful song of the Red-Breasted Robin. A juxtaposition to the somber notes of the Morning Dove's cry. A beautiful contrast of melodies between a flute and a piccolo.

Spring is the season of new life. Young birds crying out from the safety of their nest; flowers and trees showing off their new blossoms. It's not hard to miss the vibrant colors that begin to peak after a long period of gray and brown winter tones.

This is the season I like best to take some photos. Just me, my camera, and nature. Nothing is more serene and awe-inspiring. So go out there and enjoy the sunrise and listen to the world waking up. Or sit by a stream and listen to its babble against the rocks or watch a flock of ducklings follow the leader. Catch the sun set over the ocean and see orange sparkles glitter across the water. Whatever you do or wherever you go, enjoy the world around you.
Happy Spring 2010!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry® on the MetroPCS Network

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