Saturday, November 21, 2009

Driving Etiquette

I can honestly say that I have lived in different cities and states and either the driving gets worse place to place or the DMV just issues out licenses to stupid drivers that don't deserve to be behind the wheel. So with that being said, I'm dedicating this blog to the on-going rants and raves on stupid drivers. And over the course of time, I'll be adding to this. Feel free to share or add a comment, I'd love to read yours.

1. When I'm already going slightly over the speed limit and I'm on cruise control, do not cut me off just to slow down.

2. Signals or blinkers. Use them when it's appropriate and not 15 blocks in advance. And if you happen to use them when switching lanes, please for goodness sakes, turn it off. This confuses the rest of us.

3. Know the dimensions of your vehicle. In the State of California, the driving lanes and parking spaces tend to be more narrow than most states. Sometimes you drive a little too close and that freaks me out especially at 70mph.

4. If I'm sitting at a red in the 'left turn' lane and you are turning left from the cross street, please be aware that I'd like to keep my front fender intact.

5. The shoulder is not a driving lane.

6. The HOV lane stands for High Occupancy Vehicle, meaning two or more live persons are present.

7. Your SUV does not fit in the 'Compact Only' space.

8. (This one is for my pack rat neighbor) Your car is not a storage unit and it's illegal when you can't see out any windows. Clean out your cars. Yes, plural: cars.

Left: the driving car filled to the roof in the backseat
Right: the "storage" car filled to the roof both front and back seat.

9. Speed bumps are not for height and distance jumping.
10. In parking lots, please drive in the direction of the arrows. It's a one-way lane.

11. We pass on the Left here so if you're in the left lane and you're going slower than the flow of traffic, you are in the wrong lane.

12. Your windows are not tinted nor are you invisible. We can see you picking your nose.

13. If an emergency vehicle is coming your way, please pull over to the RIGHT side not stop exactly where you are. If that was your family member in that ambulance, you'd want no obstructions in their path.

14. And in the spirit of Black Friday and holiday shopping, if you can see that someone is waiting for your parking space and they have their signal turned on, do not take your sweet-ass time loading up your car and getting out. This does not contribute to glad tidings and good cheer.

Thanks for reading. Again, if you have anything to add, by all means, please share with the rest of us.

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