Sooooo, I ordered the remaining books online...a lot cheaper too, by the way. They landed on my doorstep yesterday evening. Reluctantly as I care to admit, I was rather excited when UPS knocked on my door. Not so much that it was THESE particular books but just the fact that I ordered something online and I received it within a week's time. It was kinda like Christmas all over again....but for myself.
So I don't know what to expect from this but I've been told of a couple things that do happen which, of course, piqued my interest enough for me to continue on this saga. None of which ruined the story for me in its entirety but enough for me to feel slight disappointment for not finding out on my own. It's the same way when someone reveals to you a major character's death or some life changing event.
Anyway, enough blogging for now....posts of obscure outbursts will soon follow. Stay tuned.
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