Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reading "Twilight" Part 2

The lion fell in love witH THe LAMB?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me??!! (Siiiiiiiiigh) Crap. Crap. Crap!

I can't take this madness. I read one chapter after another in utter disappointment from an amateur writer that can't seem to decide what kind of novel she's writing; teeny-bopper, fairy tales to near-Harlequin style novels with adjectives that almost make me feel guilty for reading it. Forgive me but 16 year olds don't use words like 'scintillating' or 'irrevocably' in everyday usage. (Considering today's text message speech, I doubt that they would know how to spell it or pronounce it, much less, use it.)

And yet.....I can't stop! As I told my sister yesterday morning, "Okay...I now have an odd, obsessive relationship with this book." Even though, I cringe one paragraph at a time, I have to close the book and walk away at the end of each chapter. I'm ready to tear my hair out from the excessive, malodorous cheese factor oozing off the pages. I mean,...I mean...it's almost unbearable but---BUT I can't stop reading it and I don't know why.

(Sigh) ok, I'm okay. I just needed to get a grip.
Now that my coffee is ready, I gotta go find out what happens.
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